Land Fronting Musbury Road

ACL and the consultant team have considered the consolidation and regeneration of the Estate whilst identifying how wider development opportunities could be realised to enable the modernisation and reorganisation of the Axminster Carpets production.
Phase 1
The first phase of this plan considers the redevelopment of surplus Estate land fronting Musbury Road (shown in red left).
The buildings occupying this part of the site are no longer fit for purpose and ACL have concluded it is not viable to adapt the buildings to meet potential alternative employment occupiers.
Site Analysis
A range of surveys and analysis of the site and the surrounding area have identified a number of key issues and opportunities.
The plan shows some of the key considerations which include:
- Existing factory buildings surplus to requirements
- Access points from Musbury Road and main vehicle route to the town centre
- Existing trees and a culverted stream at the southern site boundary with steep banks to the north and east
- Sloping site with southerly aspect
- Low lying ground to the south prone to potential flooding
- Potential for active street frontage along Musbury Road
- Scope to improve pedestrian/cycle link through the estate
- Opportunity for better connections to the wider area